Every cell in the human body is in a constant state of metabolic activity. Acid is produced as a result of metabolism. But the amount of acid produced depends on our diet and lifestyle.
Signs and symptoms of Chronic Mild Metabolic Acidosis (CMMA):
Pain and inflammation
Fatigue and exhaustion
Cognitive decline
Insulin resistance
Cardiovascular risk
Poor detoxification
Kidney disease
Bone demineralisation
Muscle breakdown
Gastrointestinal dysfunction
Glutathione depletion

The food we eat influences the amount of acid produced and this is known as PRAL (Potential Renal Acid Load).
The typical Western diet
The typical Western diet, high in acidic foods (such as animal proteins , dairy and grains), and low in alkalising mineral rich plant matter can cause our bodies to become too acidic.
Improving acid-base balance.
Balance protein rich foods with alkaline vegetables. Try to add vegetables or salads to every meal, not just dinner. The most alkaline vegetable is spinach and how easy is it to add a handful of baby spinach to all your meals or start your day with a green juice. Drink plenty of filtered water and get plenty of exercise.
For further information on improving your acid base balance, please contact myself at Casuarina Holistic Health.
Have a great day.
Jules x